
New Guinot detoxifying treatment is now available

From now our salon offers a brand new treatment from Guinot. Guinot Detoxygene treatment removes pollution and toxins and enables your skin to absorb active ingredients more effectively. The treatment provides your skin freshness and hydration.

For more details click here.

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Guinot Detoxygene

Brand new, high-tech skin rejuvenating facial now available in our salon

Liftmee Led mask

Liftmee Led Mask therapy uses different wavelengths of cold light and active peptides to prolong skin ageing. Besides its anti-aging effect it also heals the inflamed, acne-prone skin, and fades the pigment spots efficiently.

Any kind of skin type can be treated with Led mask. The treatment is painless and safe.

On this link http://www.beautysalonbudapest.com/liftmee-3d-high-tech-face-rejuvenatio... we present the Liftmee technology in detail and here you can also find the treatment prices.